learn bjj at home

How to Learn BJJ at Home – Get Started Today!

Interested in how to learn BJJ at home? Is it even possible to learn BJJ at home?

Here are 5 tips to get you going learning and training BJJ at home.

You can definitely learn BJJ at home especially if you are a complete beginner.

But if you want to reach blackbelt or compete at a high level then you would definitely need to do a lot of live training at some point.

But there is no reason you cannot start to learn BJJ at home now and set goals for higher levels to come later.

Below are 5 tips to get you started learning and training BJJ at home right away.

If you are more experienced, I think the Corona Virus pandemic has made us all think of innovative ways to get effective training in while on lock down.

At the end of the day the best way to learn BJJ is with live group training at an academy or with an experienced teacher with private lessons.

The best way to learn BJJ would be using both group and private training with experienced teachers and training partners.

However if there are no BJJ academies or teachers in your area, region of country (as for me here in Fiji) then you can definitely make progress through solo training at home.

Here are 5 steps to get you going asap.

1.Find Credible Instruction to Learn at Home

If you want to train at home to supplement your current training then I would stick to what my Professor teaches during live training and drill those techniques in your solo training at home.

If you need a starting place as a beginner training solo from home then you can definitely access good online resources for BJJ to start learning.

An excellent starting point would be the BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting.

In this free instructional you can learn:

  • the 6 basic positions that’ll guide you in all your Jiu-Jitsu training
  • Strategies for dramatically increasing how often you actually finish your submission attacks
  • Tips and tactics for escaping bad positions (and avoiding injury) on the mats
  • How to get good at BJJ as fast as humanly possible

It is available for free and will give you more than just a bunch of techniques and solo drills and provide an overview of the requirements for a good foundation in BJJ.

You can find the BJJ Roadmap free book at grapplearts.com

2.Set Short & Long Term Goals for BJJ

Mastering BJJ or even becoming a World Champion would require more than just online learning.

However the step to becoming a master or world champ can definitely begin with learning BJJ online.

BJJ for Self Defense & MMA

Perhaps you want to learn and train BJJ at home to take up MMA later. You could also use your home training to do both BJJ and muay thai.

Of you want to learn the most essentials that can be used with or without the gi in real life situations.

This path would be slighty less technical than aiming to be proficient at sport BJJ training at home.

A grat place to start is gracieuniversity.com and the Gracie Combatives program

The combatives program was designed for one to become proficient at the most self defense applicable jiu jitsu techniques – 36 of them to be exact.

These 36 techniques form the core of the Gracie Jiu Jitsu system.

Sport BJJ

To be honest becoming proficient at sport BJJ at home without any live training is very difficult to do.

Dont let this stop you though if this is your goal and you cant access live BJJ training right now.

Get started with online BJJ and look for training partners to drill with. Then when you have the finances, means and time to travel get live instruction and try to get live instruction a few times a year.

This may mean travelling quite a distacne. But many BJJ World Champions satrted this way also.

Either way you should also set training goals for your home training.

You could shoot for short term goals of :

  • Training three times a week at home gym for one month
  • Drill technical stand up 100 times per week each side for two weeks

Your long term goals could be:

  • Travel to BJJ gym for live training three times a year
  • Earning your Blue Belt

3. Set Up Your Home Training Area

This part is really necessary to be able to work your ground work for BJJ.

Break falls, takedown drills and shrimping are important solo exercises that require a safe surface to work on.

When Rorion Gracie first came to the US (well before he created the UFC) he would traing his students outside with a tarp over grass. This could be a great and easy starting point for many people.

You could invest in mats for home training later or even make your own mats.

4. Focus on Strength & Conditioning for Grapplers

Strength and conditioning for BJJ also includes mobility and flexibility.

These are important areas that will be discussed more in the next tip.

But having a solid program to build your strength and endurance is essential to allow you to keep training injury free.

It will also allow you be in good condition when you do get to visit academies and roll with more experienced grapplers.

learn bjj at home

Combining your technique and drilling with strength and conditioning for repeated rounds is effective for general fitness.

But having a focussed BJJ streecgth and conditioning program would be an advantage. You would develop the right strength for BJJ as well as mobility and endurance for grappling.

5.Watch Video of Competition & Sparring

With YouTube you can watch a lot of high level BJJ practitioners execute and apply their techinques against high level opposition.

You can use their instructionals or develop your own drills based off of these video sessions to improve your technique.

Watching compeitions can only help your understanding of BJJ and help you improve as a student.

But you still need to put in the hours in your home gym on the mats and in focused training to improve over time.

How to Learn BJJ at Home – Final Thoughts

I hope these 5 tips will help to get you going learning and training BJJ at home.

Or perhaps you can restart your BJJ training through home workouts before getting back in the gym with these tips.

Either way these 5 tips will help those who are beginners to get started with BJJ home training in the easiest way possible.