high kick flexibility

15 minute High Kick Flexibility Routine – 30 Days to High Kicks

Whether you muay thai, kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, if you dance or just want improve your high kick flexibility to be able to throw fast and powerful head high kicks with full control then look no further.

The routine outlined in this post can be performed in 15 minutes per day and is guaranteed to get you the desired high kick flexibility no matter your age or current level of flexibility.

After 30 days of following these 15 minute daily mobility and flexibility exercises designed by a Champion martial artist and kickboxing coach – you WILL be able to achieve the high kick flexibility required to throw powerful, fast and controlled head high kicks with ease.

But before we get into the details of this super effective routine, designed specifically for those who lack flexibility and may be over the age of 40 – let us look at the most common forms of high kick flexibility stretching routine and what is lacking.

Why Most High Kick Flexibility Programs Do NOT Work

The truth is, stretching and specifically static stretching alone is not enough to get you the required high kick flexibility you are looking for. 

However, go into any martial arts gym and ask about how to attain high kick flexibility and the most common answer you will receive is:

“Stretch more – No Pain No Gain!”

high kick flexibility without hours of painful stretching

Quite simply, more stretching more will not get you the high kick flexibility you are after and furthermore, stretching routines prescribed by most martial arts masters take a LONG time to perform each day.

The commonly prescribed, hours of stretching each week is not the answer.

Why Lot’s of Stretching Doesn’t Work

Because in addition to stretching (which is important of course) you also need to address muscle strength, balance and mobility in order to achieve real high kick flexibility.

And to do this in the shortest amount of time possible – regardless of your current level of flexibility or age, then a holistic routine is required.

A routine for high kick flexibility must also improve muscle strength of specific areas used in high kicks, core strength as well as mobility and the ability to relaxin addition common static stretching.

Your Answer to High Kick Flexibility in 30 Days – Flexibility for Fighters

The Flexibility for Fighters routine is a simple routine that can be performed in 15 minutes per day and after 30 days, you will see noticeable improve high kick flexibility.

The routine was developed by Championship winning coach Luke Thomas, specifically for less flexible fighters, especially those above 35 years of age.

high kick flexibility

And the routine was designed to achieve high kick flexibility in the most efficient and time effective way possible.

After 3 years of testing ,research and in the gym application, the Flexibility for Fighters routine targets the exact area lacking in most stretching for high kicks routines out there today.

Lack of Strength in the joints used in high kicks.

And by directly addressing the strengthening of the joints and ligaments that allow leg elevation with speed, power and accuracy, this routine will fast track your restils to high kick flexiblity!

What is Included in the Flexibility for Fighters Program?

This routine is designed to get the most bang for your buck by targeting the missing link in most high kick flexibility routines available today.

By targeting specific strengthening exercises in addition to improving the functioning of stabilisation muscles, core strength and balance, all you need is 15 minutes per day to achieve incredible results!

120 unique flexibility and mobility exercises are included in the program, many of which you probably have never seen or heard of – ever.

Follow along video routines sent to your email inbox each day for 30 days so you can easily learn the exercises and routines required.

In addition to improving your high kicks, exercises for shoulder mobility and flexibility are also included for improve punching power and speed.

Downloadable routines that you can keep forever and pull up on your phone or laptop so you can train anytime, anywhere.

High Kick Flexibility – Anyone can Achieve

So, if high kick flexibility is what you have been seeking without any results to date

without the need for endless hours of painful stretching you will develop the required strength in specific joints and ligaments that will sky rocket your results in record time.

By committing 15 minutes each day for 30 days you WILL achieve noticeable improvements in your high kick flexibility guaranteed.