Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai

Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai; both the traditional Chinese Kung fu style of Choy Li Fut and the Thai martial art of Muay Thai are popular styles trained all over the world.

In this post we look at the key differences in terms of origin, training, techniques and approach to combat and discuss which would be a better system to learn when it comes to Choy Li Fut vs Muay thai.

At the end of this post we also look at some competitive ring fights between Choy Li Fut fighters and Thai boxers, fought under Thai boxing/Kickboxing rules.

What is Choy Li Fut?

Choy Li Fut is one of the famous Kung fu styles that originated in Southern China, and those styles being Hung Gar, Wing Chun and Choy Li Fut.

Choy Li Fut originated in the Guangdong province of Southern China and is said to have been developed by Chan Heung in the early 19th century.

As a kung fu style, Choy Li Fut is known for combining different techniques from other Kung fu systems, including the powerful strikes of the southern styles and the agile footwork of the northern styles of Kung Fu.

Choy Li Fut Characteristics

Choy Li Fut incorporates both long-range and close-range fighting techniques.

This differs from the other famous Southern Chinese Kung Fu or Wing Chun which focuses on close range boxing and trapping.

Choy Li Fut incorporates kicks, punches, strikes, joint locks, and throws.

This style emphasizes fluid and circular movements and using the entire body for power generation and efficient attacks.

choy li fut vs muay thai

Choy Li Fut also includes weapons and quite a wide range of weapons training, such as the staff, broadsword, and spear.

Choy Li Fut places a strong emphasis on practical self-defense, physical fitness, and mental discipline.

Training typically involves forms (sequences of predetermined movements), sparring, conditioning exercises, and various drills to develop speed, power, flexibility, and coordination.

Choy Li Fut is practiced both for self-defense and as a means of promoting health and personal development.

Key Differences: Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai

There are several key differences when it comes to Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai, the main ones being:

Combat Sports vs Self Defense

Probably the major difference between these two popular styles is that one is focussed on combat sports and ring competition while the other is more focussed on self defense and self development through martial arts training.

Muay thai is solely focussed on competition in the ring under specific sets of rules (mainly drawn from Western Boxing’s Queensbury rules) which include timed rounds, weight classes and protective gear such as gloves.

Choy Li Fut is trained as a traditional martial arts style where fighting is the focus of training but self development is just as, if not more important than being able to fight and defend yourself.

choy li fut vs muay thai

Weapons Training

Weapons training is a major part of Choy Li Fut and pretty much all styles of Kung Fu.

In muay thai weapons are not used or trained at all as ring compeition is the main focus.

Although the origins of muay thai lie in the battlefields of Ancient Thailand and the systems of muay thai and especially krabi krabong from Thailand do include weapons.

Weapons training is incredibly important in Coy Li Fut as in all kung fu styles for many reasons including:

Historical & Cultural Preservation – Weapons training in Choy Li Fut helps preserve the rich heritage and traditions of Chinese martial arts.

It allows practitioners to connect with the historical roots of the style and gain insights into traditional Chinese weaponry and their significance in combat.

Understanding Distance and Timing – Weapons training provides insights into understanding and managing distance and timing during combat.

Different weapons have varying ranges and engage opponents at different distances.

By training with weapons, practitioners develop a sense of timing, distance control, and the ability to adapt to different combat scenarios.

Footwork and Joint Locks

Muay thai utilizes similar footwork as Western Boxing with a focus on balance as well as pivoting to avoid attacks and shifting weight to generate power in strikes.

Choy Li Fut footwork is characterized by agile and circular movements.

Practitioners utilize footwork patterns that enable quick changes in direction, evasion, and circular attacks.

In terms of grappling, muay thai is known for clinch work which includes striking from the clinch as well as many different sweeps, trips, dumps and throws.

However joint locks are not a part of muay thai as these are illegal under muay thai rules.

Choy Li Fut includes grappling techniques such as joint locks, throws, and takedowns, though they are not as central as in disciplines like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or wrestling.

Emphasis on Physical Conditioning

While physical training and conditioning is always important in Chinese Kung Fu, muay thai is well known for producing very tough, strong and well conditioned fighters.

Muay thai sessions are known for being particularly gruelling with fighters training twice per day, 6 days per week in Thailand.

And sessions always include running, skipping, pads, bag work, sparring , clinching and always finishing with bodyweight exercises like pull ups, pushups and sit ups.

Which is Better to Learn? Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai

This really depends on the individual and their goals as a student of martial arts.

But below we look at three main areas you may be considering learning and training martial arts for.

Combat Sports Competition

The most obvious answer for someone who is focussed on competition in muay thai would be to stick with muay thai.

If MMA was your overall goal then again, muay thai would be the better style to learn and train.

But with limited time and so many skills to learn in MMA apart from strength and conditioning, you may be better off focussing on MMA itself.

General Fitness and Weight Loss

In terms of pure conditioning and physical exercise, muay thai is tough to beat.

Muay thai training sessions are well known for being very gruelling and will burn a ton of calories if weight loss is your goal.

Physical conditioning and fitness are also key attributes muay thai fighters seek to develop so muay thai would be my suggestion if fitness and weight loss were your goals.

Self Defense

As Choy Li Fut takes a more holistic and wider approach to combat (in comparison to muay thai which is focussed on competition in the ring), Choy Li Fut could be the preferred option when it comes to self defense.

Muay thai is purely focussed on competition under a specific set of rules and regulations while self defense is more fluid and unpredictable.

Choy Li Fut definitely has a greater focus on self defense than muay thai and with the inclusion of weapons training, Choy Li Fut is more practical in self defense situations which are unpredictable and could include weapons.

Choy Li Fut vs Muay Thai – Actual Fights

While Choy Li Fut does not focus on competitive ring matches, there have been practitioners who have Choy Li Fut backgrounds who have competed in the ring.

The video below is of Marco Tentori, a Choy Li Fut fighter, in a bout against a strong muay thai fighter from Malaysia, which was held with full Thai rules. 

In the second video below, we can see Australian Choy Li Fut fighter, Blake “The Blade” Griffin comepte under Thai boxing rules against Thai boxing style fighters.

Both the Choy Li Fut fighters from the videos above. have to adapt their styles to Muay thai rules but elements of their Choy Li Fut training does come through.

This is especially so with the hooking of their kicks and circular whip of their strikes which is characteristic of Choy Li Fut style.