good quality muay thai gym

10 Most Important Factors When Choosing a Muay Thai Gym

Probably the most important decision you will make when it comes to training muay thai is choosing the right muay thai gym to train at.

The muay thai gym you choose most likely will be the gym where you will train and spend most of your time at for the rest of your muay thai training life.

For some of us, that will be pretty much for the rest of our lives.

There are some very important considerations to take in before deciding on a muay thai gym to train at.

And this post will cover the 10 most important tips so that you can make the best decision based on your circumstances.

So let’s get into it!

1. Quality Trainers

This is at the top of the list as without good quality trainers then your muay thai will not progress and your learning will stagnate or not even get going at all.

So what is a good ‘quality’ trainer?

Someone who cares about your learning and progress and also has good communication skills to be able to give you feedback on your training and technique and where you can improve.

I have had great trainers who did not speak English very well, when I trained in Chiang Mai, Thailand, but who were able to communicate very well with me through demonstrating so communication does not necessarily mean you both have to speak the same language.

A quality trainer does not need to be a former Champion or even a really great fighter.

Some of the best trainers were not in fact the best fighters in the fight game.

Examples include probably the best muay thai trainer of all time, Yodtong Senanan who wasn’t the most accomplished fighter but still remains the most revered trainer to this day.

Freddie Roach is another great example of a ‘journeyman’ fighter who became one of boxing’s top trainers.

2. Good Training Partners

In addition to having good trainers, the muay thai gym you select should also have good training partners.

Although muay thai is fought alone in the ring, the team spirit is absolutely essential for one to succeed in the ring.

A major component of the team structure is your training partners.

Its important to train with other dedicated and passionate students who are willing to work hard in order to progress and improve in their muay thai just as much as you do.

When you feel like slacking or not showing up at the gym, thinking about not letting your training partners down will probably make you change your mind and stay consistent in your training so you all progress together and don’t let your team mates down.

For sparring also, it is important that your training partners at the gym you choose understand the importance of improving and not trying to win or beat you up every sparring session.

Having a variety of partners at higher levels and lower levels of skill than you allows you to improve faster in your sparring also.

So having good training partners is a very important aspect of choosing a good muay thai gym for you.

3. Authentic Muay Thai

If you are looking for a fitness and weight loss workout, which muay thai is really great for by the way, then having an authentic muay thai gym really does not matter too much.

But if you are hoping to compete in muay thai and to really learn muay thai as a martial art in its true form then its important that the muay thai gym you select has authentic training.

Be wary of Bootcamp type gyms that focus more on burning calories and not too much on technique, though they may have kickboxing/muay thai in their name, it may not be authentic muay thai.

Also be wary of MMA gyms that have muay thai on their training schedules as often these gyms may not have the most authentic muay thai in their curriculum but focus instead on MMA.

4. Equipment and Training Gear

Having the right training gear is very important in choosing a muay thai gym. The most essential equipment would be:

  • Heavy bags – the 6ft Thai bag is great to have but not absolutely essential
  • Thai pads – the most important muay thai training equipment
  • Shin Guards – essential for sparring and drilling
  • Skipping ropes – a good gym should have these
  • Gloves – absolutely essential for ever gym to have

Other training equipment would be nice to have but not absolutely necessary include a boxing ring, free weights and strength training equipment such as medicine balls, mobility tools such as foam rollers and the ‘Thai suitcase’ or low kick shields.

Some of the best gyms in Thailand also have limited equipment

Its important to understand that some of the best muay thai gyms in the rural areas of Thailand have very limited equipment but are still able to produce high level fighters.

But at least the essential equipment mentioned above should be available at the gym you choose.

While also not incredibly important, Thai made gear is often the best for muay thai training so look for some of the bigger name brands out of Thailand such as Twins, Sandee, Top King and Fairtex when it comes to the training equipment at the gym.

5. Regularity of Training

Muay thai training sessions should be available at the gym you choose at least once a day six days a week.

If the gym only has 3 sessions per week then they are probably not that serious about muay thai and you should find a gym that has training at least once day Mon-Sat.

In addition to regular classes they gym you select should also be open to private classes for one to one learning outside of group classes to help you improve faster with focused sessions by a good quality trainer.

6. Location and Ease of Access

The gym you select should also be relatively convenient for you to access. This is important in you maintaining consistency in your training.

If you have to travel over an hour to get to classes then chances are you may be more inclined to skip training when you get busy with life, work and family commitments.

So selecting a good gym in your area really will help a lot. though if you are in a rural area with a low population you may have to travel quite a ways to get to regular training.

But if you are lucky enough to have a choice of gyms then its good to consider this factor in your selection of a gym to train at.

8. Cleanliness and Hygiene

Its important that the muay thai gym you select places a high level of importance on gym hygiene and cleanliness.

Mats should be mopped and cleaned at least once a day. Having toilet and shower facilities on site are also important aspects to consider.

Separate cleaning equipment should be used for toilets and the mats to reduce spread of bacteria which is really important.

If the gym also has BJJ classes on the same mats its even more important that the mats are cleaned after grappling sessions.

The gym itself should have a culture of cleanliness and the trainers and students should be open when it comes to sickness such as the flu, red eye, ringworm and staph infections. This means that if you or your trainers or other students contract these infections then they shouldn’t be training until they are fully recovered.

9. Value for Money

Price is a very important factor for all of us when it comes to muay thai training and selecting a good muay thai gym to train at.

Value for money means that you should be able to get access to all the previously discussed factors in a muay thai gym at a competitive price.

Every one of us has different financial circumstances and factors such as transport to the gym, private lessons and purchasing your own training gear need to be factored in, as well as the monthly or annual fees at the gym you select.

Its important that you have a monthly personal and family budget and from there see where you can afford to cut costs or use any surplus funds to have in order to be able to afford to train at a good muay thai gym.

10. Professional & Healthy Environment

This could be one of the most important aspects. And this applies especially for female students.

If you find trainers are unprofessional and inappropriate with you or other female students then make this known to the management asap.

If no action is taken then find another gym.

In addition, there should be a healthy environment in terms of being welcoming to beginners and not throwing them to lions in sparring right away.

Students should be encouraged to compete if they want to and definitely not forced.

Trainers should be stepping in when students are clearly being ‘bullied’ in sparring or being verbally attacked or demoralised i.e being called lazy.

There’s a fine line between joking around and verbal abuse and this should not be crossed in a professional gym with a healthy training environment and culture.

Other Important Considerations

If you live in a rural area with a low population and limited choice when it comes to choosing a place to train muay thai then you really have to make do with what you can access in your area.

But one factor you should not compromise on is #10 above.

If trainers are being unprofessional and behaving inappropriately then you should leave the gym.

If you are in a similar situation as me where the closest muay thai gym is a 3 hour international flight then there are other options such as solo training.

And setting up your own home gym and getting training partners together and organising your own training.

This can be very difficult for beginners and without the oversight of an experienced trainer to help you improve progress can be slow.

The other option is online learning resources.