How Often Should I Train Judo?

Judo is an incredible and effective high-level martial art that is used for both self-defense and in competition. 

One of the most common questions I get is, “how often should I train in Judo?”. 

Well, this is a very difficult question to give a straight answer to. 

The thing is that it depends on a wide array of factors. 

For some people, one class a week could be enough, whereas for others they should train every day.

On average, 2 or 3 classes per week, of about 1 and a half or two hours, is a good routine for many people

However, if you are planning to compete in Judo, and increase your skill rapidly, you might want to add more classes. 

If I Cross-Train Other Martial Arts, How Often to Train Judo?

Judo is an effective art and especially for what it is known for which is grabbing people and throwing them on their backs.

This makes it very useful to cross-train as part of your normal martial arts training in order to broaden your fighting skills.

Not everyone who sets out to learn Judo intends to compete in Judo tournaments, some people cross-train between different martial arts to improve their overall fighting abilities. 

In this case focusing on your main style would be best with room to include 2-3 Judo sessions per week.

This should allow you to focus on your main style and still improve and learn in Judo.

This way you can incorporate elements of Judo into your main style.

how often should i train judo

If you are mainly training BJJ, and want to learn Judo to improve your takedowns, or if you are training Judo as a part of your MMA training, you might want fewer classes. 

The ideal number of training hours and sessions for you depends on your preferences regarding the sport.

BJJ and Judo

Many BJJ athletes like to learn Judo throws that could help them improve their standup game and takedowns.

However standup is not a major part of BJJ in competition and thus more time could be spent on BJJ itself and perhaps once a week training Judo could be enough.

Both Judo and BJJ use similar grips and practice in a similar uniform, therefore, the techniques are quite interchangeable, and beneficial for BJJ practitioners. 

MMA and Judo

Furthermore, some MMA fighters also train Judo as a part of their overall combat training.

Though the lack of a gi in MMA does limit the number of Judo moves that can be used, there is still plenty that can be adjusted for MMA and can be quite useful 

In conclusion, if you are cross-training between multiple martial arts, and BJJ in particular, 2 training sessions per week are good, however, if you can fit in 3, that would be a lot better. 

But it always depends on how much you can really takeaway from your Judo training without negatively impacting your main style.

And also you should not take away too much of your time from your main style when cross-training Judo.

Try to get the maximum benefit in most efficient manner from your Judo training.

Judo Competitors: How Often to Train

Obviously if Judo is your main style and focus then the more the better.

Up to a certain point of course as well have other life commitments to balance as well as rest and recovery from training and possible injury.

If you are planning to compete and want to take your Judo skills to the next level as soon as possible, you should try to train Judo at least 5-6 times a week.

In some dedicated Judo schools in Japan, it is quite normal to train twice a day, 5-6 days a week. 

Obviously for Judo in Japan, at the highest level, Judoka really are training Judo for a living and are often sponsored athletes.

The same goes for Olympic level Judo competitors across the world.

If serious Judo competition (World Championships and Olympics) are your goal, then 5-6 times per week on Judo alone is required.

Training Judo as a Self Defense Martial Art

If you intend to compete in Judo as a sport, or you want to focus on it for self-defense, then you need to take regular classes. 

It is really quite simple, and more time spent training on the mats will translate into improvement in your Judo.

So if you are focusing on Judo only but not interested in competing but more in physical training, martials arts and self defense then 3-5 sessions per week is a great goal to have.

Over Training/Injury in Judo is Always a Factor

Though increasing your training time is important, it is also essential that you don’t over train your mind and body.

Jud is an incredibly physical and strenuous martial art to practice. Training sessions can be very grueling.

Each Judo training session includes long warmups (shrimping and similar ground exercises, break falls, cartwheels), uchikomi or drilling.

Also there is usually live sparring or ‘randori’ every training session which is also intense.

vital bjj gi

Judo sessions usually close with more physical conditioning such as pushups, rope climbing and situps.

The physical nature of Judo training makes rest really important and there is always the threat or injury when sparring in Judo (both on the ground in newaza and standing in tachiwaza).

How Often Should I Train Judo – Final Word

Everything’s better when it is balanced.

For someone who is focused solely on Judo, 3 classes a week is the minimum, and they should try to work up to 5 or 6 classes per week. 

For people who cross-train different martial arts. Whether BJJ, Muay Thai or MMA, 2-3 times per week should be enough to keep learning and improving while focusing on your main style on incorporating Judo elements.

Keep in mind that overtraining in any martial art can have negative effects on your skills and your health, so make sure to consider the limits of your body before pushing it too hard.

Go slow and build up to longer and more training sessions if you need.

We hope that this post was able to answer the question of how often you should train Judo.