Glory Kickboxing vs Muay Thai

Glory Kickboxing vs Muay Thai

What are the main differences as well as similarities, and which style is better when it comes to Glory kickboxing vs Muay thai? In comparing Glory kickboxing and Muay thai it is first important to understand that Glory kickboxing is not a martial art in and of itself but a style of stand up striking…

Ving Tsun Kung Fu

Ving Tsun Kung Fu

What is Ving Tsun Kung Fu and what is the difference between Ving Tsun and Wing Chun? Where does the name Ving Tsun originate from and what are the components, characteristics and fighting philosophy or Ving Tsun Kung Fu? What is the Difference between Ving Tsun Kung Fu and Wing chun? “Ving Tsun” and “Wing…

Are Throws Allowed in BJJ?

Are Throws Allowed in BJJ?

Are throws allowed in BJJ competition? And are throws taught as part of the BJJ learning curriculum across BJJ schools and academies? The truth is, BJJ came from Judo so throws are definitely allowed in BJJ competition and are included as part of the training in pretty much all BJJ schools. Also, BJJ competition rules…

Muay Boran Techniques

Muay Boran Techniques

In this post we will go over in detail the powerful and effective muay boran techniques and how these are trained in muay boran. Muay Boran is based off of fundamental techniques that have been handed down for generations beginning back in the Ancient history of Thailand and the region of South East Asia. In…

Lethwei vs MMA

Lethwei vs MMA

Lethwei vs MMA; which style is superior? Which martial art is better when it comes to real life self defense and real world combat? Who would win (hypothetically speaking of course) in a fight between a Lethwei fighter and an MMA fighter? In this article, we take an in-depth look at : While we will…

Pradal Serey vs Muay thai

Pradal Serey vs Muay thai

Pradal Serey vs Muay Thai; this post looks at the main differences and similarities between these two powerful striking arts that share a common ancestry. Martial arts have long served as a reflection of a nation’s culture, embodying the spirit and traditions of their birthplace. In the region of Southeast Asia, two ancient combat styles…

Muay Thai or Boxing for Self defense

Muay Thai or Boxing for Self defense

When it comes to combat sports and their application in the real world the question of muay thai or boxing for self defense often comes up. Among the myriad of martial arts and combat sports available, two disciplines, in particular, stand out for their storied histories and proven efficacy in self-defense scenarios: Muay Thai and…